
9th Symposium on Fossil Decapod Crustaceans

9 – 13 June 2025, Denmark

We are very pleased to invite you all to Geomuseum Faxe in Denmark for the 9th Symposium on Fossil Decapod Crustaceans. This conference is co-organized by the Geomuseum Faxe and the University of Alabama (Department of Museum Research and Collections & Alabama Museum of Natural History). Although the conference is focused on decapod crustaceans, research on other crustaceans is also welcome.

The conference venue is very close to the Faxe Limestone quarry, which is the type locality for the Danian age, and has preserved the remains of a 63 million-year-old cold-water coral reef. The quarry is famous for its high number of well-preserved fossils, including very abundant decapod fossils that have been formally reported from Faxe since 1820. There is free public access to the quarry, so there will be ample opportunities to collect in the quarry during the conference. We hope to see you all in the summer of 2025!

Geomuseum Faxe has an extensive collection of Maastrichtian and particularly Danian crustaceans from Denmark. The collection will be available for participants to study during the conference.

Preliminary program

  • Monday 9 June: afternoon/evening: Icebreaker reception in Geomuseum Faxe
  • Tuesday 10 June: Scientific sessions all day at Kulturmuseum Øst (collections building) 
  • Wednesday 11 June: Scientific sessions all day at Kulturmuseum Øst, Conference dinner at Danhostel Faxe
  • Thursday 12 June: Fieldtrip 1. Faxe Limestone quarry and visit to a K/Pg boundary site at Stevns Klint
  • Friday 13 June: Fieldtrip 2. Collection of the Natural History Museum of Denmark, and Limhamn limestone quarry (Southern Sweden)

Organizing committee

File with detailed information (incl. preregistration form):

Circular 1 (April 2024)

Faxe limestone with a specimen of Dromiopsis rugosa in frontal view.
Aerial photo of part of the famous Faxe Limestone Quarry.